Game Walkthrough
Please be aware that this walkthrough is provided as a means of assistance to solving the game. If you do not wish to be told how to finish the game, don't look at this page.
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Shortcut to:
Walkthrough Guide,
The Bookstore,
Main Street,
Stiletto's Apartment,
Hall of Records,
Cathedral with Succubus,
Bornick Mansion,
Sunspire Tower,
Cygnus Construction,
Operahouse (1st),
Operahouse (2nd),
Operahouse (3rd),
Master Macabre's Maze,
Door Puzzle,
End of game
This sections provides tip on understanding terms and notation used in this walkthrough.
- Many of the verbs used in the walkthrough tips are the actions available in the game's control pyramid. For instance, the tip "Get the bills on the table" means select the "Get" action from the pyramid and click on the bills.
- When a tip is referring to conversation with a game character, the order of the correct responses will be given. The responses are given as numbers that match those above the available choices of things to say given in the game. Select the appropriately numbered choice in the order given in the tip.
- Look at items in store and look at doors
- Get the bills on the table
- Go to office door
- Look at items in room and on the desk
- Get sweepstakes letter from desk and notices from under desk and papers in upper right corner
- Look at Darksheer comic book on ottoman
- Get Darksheer comic book from ottoman and you will dream
- When doorbell rings go in bookstore then go to front door
- Select responses 2 - 1 - 4
- Look at package
- Get package
- Go into your inventory
- Use silver coin and game begins - "Welcome to Noctropolis"
- Talk to newspaper man use responses 1 - 2
- Trade comic book for a newspaper
- Ask about Father Desmond and the cathedral
- Select travel to go to map and select cathedral
- Save game
- Talk to boy use responses 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
- Get wire and post on left side
- Open panel on right lamp post
- Use wire and then use post to kill gargoyle
- Go inside cathedral and go to confession booth (upper left)
- Save game
- Talk to Father Desmond use responses 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 he will give you the jawbone
- Ask about Stiletto
- Select travel and go to Stiletto's apartment then save game
- Go to door
- Talk to Stiletto using responses 1 - 2 - 1
- Select travel and go to main street
- Talk to clerk (top of screen) use responses 1 - 1 - 1
- Use the jaw bone you got from Father Desmond
- Ask about Ben Hutchins
- Select travel and go to the mausoleum then save game
- Open the gate to the right, then open the door behind it and go in
- Move corpse and get key
- Look at tag on coffin to get Bornick's mansion to appear on map
- Open and then go to coffin
- Meet Succubus - responses 4 - 3 - 2
- After Succubus finishes with you move statue and go to den
- Look at items - move pillow - look at diary - get spear - use spear
- Exit and save game
- Select travel and go back to the cathedral
- Move pillow (in front of alter) and get the detonator
- Get the middle statue (in front of alter)
- Get the chalice (on alter)
- Get holy water (upper left)
- While Stiletto is fighting Succubus she will ask you to help her
- Use the holy water
- After you pass out you will wake up at Shadowlair
- When you wake up and talk to Stiletto using responses 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 1 then ask her questions
- Open panel in the column and get the Darksheer history and Noctroglyph
- Open the panel right of the fountain and get Darksheer costume
- Save game and select travel and go to the Bornick mansion
- Go to door and talk to wife
- Use responses 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 then ask questions
- Save game and select travel and go to Sunspire Tower
- Look at truck so the greenhouse will appear on map
- Talk to guard until he mentions Sam Jenkins
- Talk to Stiletto (response - 3) so she will distract guard
- Go to construction site and get glass cutters on top of wood
- Use lift and go up and get the glass shard
- Save game and select travel and go to Cygnus Construction
- Enter and get the elevator pass on floor by desk
- Talk to secretary responses 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 then go to door on right
- Talk to Leon then talk to Stiletto to get her to talk to Leon
- Move the red switch to get air conditioning to start working
- Go back out and talk to the secretary and she will let you see Sam Jenkins
- Go in and talk to him then ask him questions
- Go back out and talk to the secretary and then she will leave
- Go to the elevator and use the pass and go up and talk to Ms. Shoto using responses 1 - 1 - 1 - 2
- Exit and go back down elevator
- Select travel and go to main street
- Go to hall of records
- Talk to clerk and ask about the greenhouse so it will appear on your map
- Save game and select travel and go to the greenhouse
- Go to truck and get vineseed and quickgrow solution
- Go to greenhouse and use the glass cutter
- Go in the greenhouse and meet Greenthumb and use responses 1 - 2
- Listen to what he tells you
- When he leaves use your Liquidark grenade to escape and get Stiletto
- Select travel and go immediately to Shadowlair and go to pool
- After you are healed save game and select travel and go to main street
- Go to hall of records and talk to clerk ask about Operahouse
- Save game and select travel and go to the Operahouse
- You will make three trips here
- Go to door and go in and you will meet Tophat and use responses 1 - 2
- Exit and select travel and go to the observatory
- Use your Noctroglyph to get past the security cameras
- Go to door then use your vineseeds then go to hole that appears to enter
- Look around
- Save game (this part's tricky, especially on a slow computer)
- Avoid the spotlights watch them to see pattern for blind spots (there are four) time your moves carefully - if a light hits you the game ends
- TIP: Save game when you get each item then if you get caught restore
- Game and you will be back at the door with the items.
- First walk close to wall and go to the screwdriver and get it - save game
- Next go to the oil can and get it - save game
- Now go to and move the platform and use the oil can then use the screwdriver
- Get the lens and then get the logbook on the platform
- Now move the platform to go back to ground level and save game
- Retrace your steps avoiding lights and make your way to the exit
- Select travel and return to the Operahouse
- Talk to Tophat
- Talk to the old man to get free - responses 2 - 1
- Select travel and return to Shadowlair immediately to heal yourself
- Save game and select travel and return to Operahouse for 3rd trip to find Stiletto
- Enter Operahouse and get the knife stuck in floor
- Look around for a way out - note trap door in front of wheel
- Trapdoor is activated by the control panel
- Get a brick and stand on trap door and use brick
- You drop into a dressing room look around
- Get make up kit and jewellery
- Move the clothes to find a hidden door and go to door into boiler room
- Look around - get screwdriver on top of steam duct on left
- Use screwdriver on the door
- Move the water valve above the hose
- Get and use the hose and you will break an opening in wall - go to opening
- Look around then talk to the gang using responses 2 - 3 - 1 - 2
- Give them the knife then respond 2 - 3
- Give them the jewellery to learn where to look for Stiletto
- Go back to the dressing room the way you came move switch to return to the stage then select travel and go back to main street
- Talk to the newspaper man about the butcher to get the butcher shop to appear on your map
- Go over to hall of records and ask clerk about the Whisperman
- Save game and select travel and go to the butcher shop
- Talk to the butcher using responses 3 - 2 - 1 - 1
- Trade him your newspaper for the sausage
- Go to the freezer and get the meat hook
- Move the 3rd side of beef to find a secret door
- Save game and go to opening and meet Master Macabre
- It doesn't matter what you say to Macabre you will be captured
- When you wake up talk about anything - when he leaves is your chance to get free
- Move the acid bottle that is on tray between you and Stiletto
- Move the cart next to the tray
- When Stiletto unties you get an empty beaker from the shelf on right
- Watch your time - you must get out of maze and back to Shadowlair to heal before it runs out
- Go to door and enter next room and get acid (green stuff on floor)
- Go to door on right and go to fan and go to next room when blade passes
- Look around and get the wheel valve on left
- Use your glass shard and get rope then go back to fan room and use rope
- Go to the new passage and look around
- Use the acid then go to door
- Go to the 1st door and get the rebar on the floor then go back out
- Now use the rebar and go to door on end and use wheel valve
- Go back to room you got the rebar - you can now enter the tunnel
- When you exit from tunnel go to next room (curtain)
- Talk to scared man use responses 1 - 3 then give him the make up kit and use responses 2 - 2 now you must solve the puzzle of the door and you're out
- The solution to the door puzzle is you must have all the blue balls on the lower row - all the white balls on the upper left and all the red balls on the upper right there is an empty hole to the lower right of door - that is your first move - remember to watch the clock - if you run out of time, you're dead
- Save game before you start

- Select move and click mouse on balls in this order to solve door puzzle
- 9 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 8 - 5 - 2 - 2 - 8 - 4 - 1 - 9 - 10
- Door will open now - select travel and go to Shadowlair and heal yourself
- After you are healed you meet Drealmer talk to him and then you will be transported to Dreampark
- When you first enter Dreampark get the bucket of paint left of jacks funhouse and then go to the clowns mouth
- Go to mouth of second clown and get the dental pick
- Exit and go back outside (door with fun flashing)
- Go to the funhouse and use the pick and go inside
- Look around and get a match
- Exit and go back in the clowns mouth
- Go through the door in the tower (rear) and get the oil lamp and exit
- Move the screen (left of clown) hanging below the column and go through the door
- You are in the thorn forest - use match and then get the egg sack and the web (very hard to see - its just above egg sack
- Exit and go back through the tower door (demon)
- Use the egg sack to kill him and then get the diamond
- Exit and go back into jack's funhouse
- Use the diamond and go through the opening you make
- Move the pepper shaker and get pepper
- Exit and go back into clowns mouth and then into second clowns mouth
- Use pepper and then get paint brush
- Exit mouth and use the paint brush and go through the door you just made
- You should now be at the base of the dream tower - use the web
- Climb up web (go to) when you get up to the top move the floor mat and then get and use the key
- You will meet the Drealmer again
- Talk to him and you will eventually get out of the dream
- When you wake up you will be back at Shadowlair
- You should have done all the things you needed to do (kill all five bosses) and have all the items you need now to win the game
- Items you must have are the logbook (from observatory) and the meathook and the sausage (from butcher shop) if you don't go back and get them now
- Talk to Stiletto responses 1 - 2
- Save game
- Select travel and go to Cygnus Construction and go to the elevator and use pass to go up to talk to Ms. Shoto using responses 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 3
- Go back down and exit to front of building
- Go to the lamp post and get the shaft
- Go to the man hole and use the shaft then go down in the hole
- Look around and then get three pieces of a broken chair from pile on right (hard to see) then open furnace door (bottom) and use the chair pieces
- The grate will now open go down into it and you meet the Whisperman
- Save game and talk to him responses 3 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -2 - 1 - 1
- Exit and go back up and into Cygnus
- Go to the elevator but this time use the logbook
- And it will take you up to the roof
- Once on the roof use the meathook and you and Stiletto will slide across to Sunspire Tower
- Get the duct tape and coil of rope and then go upstairs
- On next level get the broom and then keep going up the stairs
- When you get to the guard dog use the sausage and then use the rope-sausage combo to kill the dog
- Go up stairs and use the duct tape and then use the broom-meathook combo to get to top of tower
- You now meet Lumisheer - save game
- Talk to Lumisheer using responses 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1
- Watch and then use responses 1 - 1
- When all the talking is over use gold coin
- Sit back and watch ending and some bloopers from the game
This solution was provided by the Adventurers Club
Author: Scott Brady
Date Created: 1 May 1997
Last updated: